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Dental News – Dr Kevin and Monie Clauser, It is our optimal goal to provide you and your family with the highest quality of dental care, while maintaining a friendly and relaxing environment.

Rules for a Healthy Smile

Not much else in the world is as beautiful as a smile. It conveys happiness and is expressed in moments of great joy and laughter. Having a gorgeous smile is easy, simply smile. However, a healthy smile takes a little

Posted in Dental News

3 Tips for Removing Plaque Daily

Plaque…yuck! Plaque is a biofilm, and biofilms are any group of microorganisms in which cells stick to each other and often these cells adhere to a surface. This mass of bacteria (yes, you read that right, mass of bacteria) grows

Posted in Dental Health, Dental News

Did You Know Broccoli Can Whiten Your Teeth?

If you’re looking for foods that naturally whiten teeth, there are plenty of choices from which you can choose. One of the healthiest and most effective of these is broccoli. This super healthy food can be eaten in a variety

Posted in Dental News, Fun Facts!, Teeth Whitening

Summertime Treats that May Damage Teeth!

Summer is here, and soon many people will be having picnics on the beach, barbecues in their back garden, and Sunday brunches with friends and family. Some summer snacks can be really damaging to your teeth, so we’ve put together

Posted in Dental Health, Dental News, Fun Facts!

Dental Implant FAQs

If you have failing, broken, or missing teeth, dental implants could help restore the appearance and function of your mouth. So many dental patients avoid dental care because they feel anxious about the appearance of their smile, but at North

Posted in Dental Implants, Dental News

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