Blog Archives

Broken or Loose Tooth? Your Guide To Acting in a Tooth Crisis

Sometimes we forget how much peril everyday life puts our teeth in. Taking a bite out of a fresh apple, playing pretty much any sport, chewing ice, or just a healthy dose of clumsiness can result in a chipped, broken,

Posted in Dental Services

Stained Teeth – How To Protect Your Smile

It’s easy to protect yourself from things you know will stain your teeth, but what about those mysterious offenders you didn’t even know are turning your pearly whites into dull yellows? It is not uncommon for Williamsville, NY residents to

Posted in Stained Teeth, Teeth Whitening

Teething Doesn’t Have to Bite!

Your child probably won’t need to come in to see Dr. Clauser until most of their teeth have erupted, somewhere around age three. Until then, you are in charge of all of their dental care while they go through teething.

Posted in Dental Health

Proper Brushing Techniques: What Not to Do

Brushing your teeth is an everyday routine that most people give little thought to. The truth is there are a number of common mistakes people make in the course of brushing. After all, how often do we really think about

Posted in Dental News, Dental Services

Keep Your Teeth Healthy for Your Baby

Schwangerschaft / Foter / CC BY-SA Gum Disease and Low Birth Weight Frightening new studies have shown that women who had gum disease during their pregnancy were an astounding 7 times more likely to have a low birth weight baby.

Posted in Dental News

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